[COMMENTS] Baek Ayeon to Come Back in May

  1. (+471, -9) I think the song's gonna be niceㅎㅎㅎ Baek Ayeon whom you can trust in!!
  2. (+429, -9) I heard that 'Shouldn't Have' is still on the chart, I hope there'll be a good result for the upcoming song too!!
  3. (+407, -7) 'Should'nt Have' was a really good songㅜ
  4. (+270, -6) I'm looking forward to the song. Her voice is clear, I'm still listening to her song.
  5. (+240, -8) I really like Ayeon's voiceㅎㅎㅎ Let's have #1 for a long time!!
trans: jypwhispers
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