[COMMENTS] Tzuyu Sheds Tears As She Was Reminded Of Her Mom After Eating A Dish

  1. (+383, -14) Don't cryㅠㅠㅠ She's Tzuyu who doesn't really cry on TV, it's sad to see her crying like that
  2. (+317, -14) ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  3. (+283, -10) Our Tzuyuㅠㅠ Find strength!
  4. (+283, -11) She must be missing her family as she's in a different country at such a young ageㅠㅠ
  5. (+266, -11) Tzuyu don't cry..... T_T

  1. (+8815, -238) She couldn't graduate from her middle-school before coming to a foreign country, how tiring could that be... I still miss my mom when I just haven't seen her for few days... Tzuyu fighting... Become the star of Asia~
  2. (+7408, -187) Tzuyu who has suffered much in a foreign country, fighting!!
  3. (+6786, -170) She's still just a kidㅠㅠ
  4. (+5687, -124) It's because a taste of one's home town shares the memories of one with their family
  5. (+5318, -172) Our Tzuyu is pretty even when she cries... Leaving her mother at such a young age must've made her miss her mom so much
  6. (+5009, -132) Though our Tzuyu is always looking mature, she's still just a kid who's just 18 years old. I'm always thankful to see her working so hard in a foreign country. I hope that our Tzu will always be happy and get along with the members
  7. (+4519, -109) Lee Yeonbok Chef also teared up a bit. It's hurting to see Tzuyu cries
  8. (+4012, -114) Tzuyu who's still young ah~~ It's okay to cry when you want to! Fighting always!!

trans: jypwhispers

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