[COMMENTS] JYPE's New Music System Raises The Possibility Of the Success Of Their Music

  1. (+5293, -67) So Park Jinyoung himself can never promote if he cannot pass in that voting systemㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
  2. (+4397, -109) I think JYP has made a good choice for a long-term development... It's easy that a song becomes a totally failure if they only rely on only one person's 'feel'. Looking at the songs from the JYP singers recently, the diversity can be seen.
  3. (+3633, -101) Of course JYP Entertainment is quite good... the songs are nice too
  4. (+2818, -66) JYP can just promote in the summer and be a commentator during the basketball season

trans: jypwhispers

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