[INTERVIEW] Fei's Interview with Arena Homme+

Not to be the next of someone else, but to be the first of me ~ A Wang FeiFei that is more and more like Wang FeiFei

September Issue [Arena Homme+] Wang FeiFei Interview - This Is Me

Fei debuted as a soloist with her album《Fantasy》in August. With your new identity during this solo debut, what kind of feelings did you have?
My debut stage as a soloist was on <M!Countdown>, coincidentally, miss A’s debut stage was also on <M!Countdown>. This made it really feel like a re-debut ~ah. Recording for my solo stage also was in the morning, just like for miss A’s stage. It really made me think of miss A’s debut during this time.

Your farewell stage was yesterday. As a singer, what were your feelings towards your first-ever solo promotions drawing to an end?
Very tired. But to me these are all valuable experiences. Um, what kind of feelings? I was very nervous of course, and thought that I would need to do everything well because it was my first time. My goal was to do well so that I would not have a single bit of regret. I didn't really think about the rankings.

You must’ve been very curious about how well you would be able to perform by yourself on stage.
It’s like this,  what I can achieve myself is of great significance to me.

I observed the pink haired Fei at the debut stage all the way to the brunette Fei at the farewell stage. Your farewell stage was very exciting. I think you are the type of person who persists with not any effort to spare.
Yes, while the first time was very nerve wracking, the more I worked hard, the more I was able to improve my abilities.
My chosen song for solo promotions <It’s Okay, Fantasy> was difficult because it required dancing while singing live. The song has an airy tone and is also very high pitched. Your voice has to be stable because the tone is very thins and very light. However, the stage performance also requires powerful moves. It really gave me a headache because the moves required a lot of thought.

What did you think when you looked at the stage monitor for your debut stage?
Oh, I saw many problems, haha! First, it was the bangs. I had originally wanted my eyes to be very expressive but my bangs covered them. My dance didn't have much strength because I was particularly nervous, I don't think my expressions were all that good either. How to say it? It wasn't just one or two points, what I saw were many, many problems.

Ah you only saw points of regret? I feel like you are the type [of person] who examines themselves in a hard-headed manner. Are you a perfectionist?
Examining myself in a hard-headed manner is something I should do. Actually a performance I'm 100% satisfied with may only reach the extent of “so-so” in the eyes of another. The fact that my three minutes on stage will remain forever also makes me not want to leave an unsatisfactory performance behind. I think I might really be a perfectionist.

To the perfectionist Fei, what kind of memory has your solo left you?
It's satisfactory overall, however the fact is that there are still many insufficiencies. I have always thought I can work harder, this is still the case now.

Even so, have you ever been 100% satisfied with yourself before?
During miss A’s “Hush” promotions - the sexy dance, music and stage performance were all very good, the feeling of “Bad Girl” also came out, at that time I was very satisfied.

There are also many different types of people who want to achieve perfection: there’s those who desire to receive praises and also others who work diligently according to the standards in their heart.
I am the latter, the standard for me is 100%. I heard the phrase “Fei is so greedy” a lot while I was participating on <Dancing with the Stars> but I don’t rely on everyone’s praises and recognition to live - I’m not the type of person who works hard for the sake of those compliments and recognition. If I can’t even be 100% satisfied with myself, how can I obtain praise from others? These are my standards no matter the situation. I’m the kind of person that doesn’t have a clear conscience if I don’t consider myself as perfect. So I monitor myself both before and after, neglecting no detail.  

You must also have a lot on your mind when onstage, right?
Many thoughts, depending on the situation I will have different ideas.

Regarding your album, were there any specific ways or ideas for its release?
Firstly, I had always wanted to work on my album with (Park) Jinyoung oppa because he is the producer who understands me the best. Along with the fact that Jinyoung oppa’s favored genre was also one that I really liked, I also really liked the sexy style of his female soloists. I was convinced with this kind of feeling, and I hoped to be able to do it myself. Lastly, wanted to be sure to include a ballad in the album. This solo album has three songs, one of which is a ballad. Because I was adamant in including that song, the company agreed.

It’s because they listened to Fei’s idea of including a ballad, right?
Yes. Although I am not the type of person with praised singing skills, I hoped to have this opportunity to let everyone hear my real voice. If you said in the past that I was the type of person who showed people the clothes and the type of performance that would be presented, then through my solo this time, I’d like to be the type of person that shows people what sound Fei uses to sing.

Actually this solo, <Fantasy> , seems to have many new trials. I feel like Fei and Park Jinyoung have already achieved the best.
Yes, there were new attempts - style of music, dance, sound, feeling and so on. I strived my hardest to do the best I could do as this was my first time. I wanted to let everyone see, this is Fei. That way, Jinyoung oppa’s goal were also achieved.

Park Jinyoung has produced female soloists including Uhm Junghwa, Park Jiyoon, Ivy and Sunmi, who have demonstrated all different types of  “sexy”.  Sure enough, Fei’s album is an explicit sexiness.  What type of “sexy” did you personally want?
Uh, this question is a little difficult to answer, but thank you for being able to ask like this. Actually, this was something that was particularly bothersome for Jinyoung oppa. Sunmi has the sexiness like a young lady, Park Jiyoon sunbae had a capable and strong type of sexy. What kind of sexy was I? It was really difficult for me to find an answer to this question. While preparing for this album, I felt that I was able to express both a dark and “fantasy” image of sexiness. How do you see it?

Your album also includes “Sweet Sexy Fei”, a song producer Park Jinyoung believes demonstrates Fei’s style of sexy - that of an affectionate woman?
For “Sweet Sexy Fei”, Jinyoung oppa said this: “Usually your cooking is very good, you are also a very kindhearted person, also very affectionate. For people you are close with, you are very casual, like how you act towards a boyfriend.”. I think normally, I’m more of a warm person. Whereas my sexy image will appear in front of people I’m familiar with, when I’m shooting pictorials and when I’m on stage.

But actually what does sexy even mean?
“Sexy is: to know what sexy is and to feel sexy yourself” that is what Jinyoung oppa said. If you get anyone to sit down “sexily” there will be those who do it well and those who don’t do it well. But for those who don’t do well, sexiness is not something you can teach. To be sexy is to know and be aware of oneself, the person who knows that they are sexy is the world’s sexiest person.

Do you consider yourself sexy?
Sometimes? Haha~

What will Fei be like next?
A Fei that is more and more like Fei, to explore my heart bit by bit and then show my type of romantic and “Fantasy” Fei to everyone.

Source: Arena Homme+ (September issue)
KR-CHN: Fei China Fanclub (x)
CHN-ENG: JYPwhispers
Images: Fei China Fanclub
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